Ledger.com/start | Real-Life User Experiences

Ledger.com. To set up as a new device, check the dedicated article for Ledger Nano S, Ledger Nano S Plus, or Ledger Nano X.To restore your device from a recovery phrase, check the dedicated article.

Ledger.com/start | Live to start setting up your device

Ledger.com/start is more than just a website – it's a comprehensive platform designed to revolutionize the way you manage your finances. With its intuitive interface and robust features, Ledger.com/start empowers users to take control of their financial lives with confidence and ease.

Set up your device

First, you'll choose a 4 to 8-digit PIN code that unlocks your device. Then you'll save or restore your 24-word recovery phrase. Your recovery phrase backs up the private keys that manage your crypto assets. It can be used to restore access to your crypto assets in case you lose access to your device.

  1. Set up your device by following the steps provided in Ledger Live:

  2. Once your Ledger hardware wallet is ready, click on Continue in Ledger Live.

Security checklist

Complete the security checklist to verify that you benefit from the optimal level of security.

  1. Click on Check my Nano, to verify that your device is a genuine Ledger device. Only a genuine Ledger device can provide the cryptographic proof required to connect with Ledger’s secure server.

  2. Allow Ledger Live to access your Ledger device by pressing both buttons on your Ledger device simultaneously.

  3. Click on Continue once you see: All Good! Your Ledger device is genuine and ready to use with Ledger Live.

  4. Ledger Recover is an optional, ID-based key recovery service that provides a backup for your Secret Recovery Phrase. To enroll, choose Start your free trial. Already a subscriber? Select Sign in. To skip the subscription, click the "X" to close out the window, and proceed with Ledger Live setup.

Last updated